GlassCoat is a ceramic coating that bonds to your vehicle's paint to create a permanent protective barrier, increasing factory gloss and paint film thickness up to 10%.

Why Simoniz GlassCoat?
Simoniz, has been a trusted maker of car care products for over 100 years. Unlike traditional waxes and sealants that temporarily "cover the surface", GlassCoat chemically reacts with hydrogen and oxygen on the surface of the clearcoat. The end result is an extremely tough and durable ceramic film which protects your vehicle's paint, that lasts a lifetime.

The added bonus - the GlassCoat application provides added coverage that you don't get from the manufacturer - making your vehicle worth more money at trade-in time.

GlassCoat even protects your vehicle's interior.
Providing a continuous, eco-friendly interior protection, Simoniz utilizes Stain Sentry advanced surface protectors for the interior seats, floor mats and carpeting of your vehicle. This process protects your interior from stains from any consumable food product plus make-up, vomit, crayons, urine, blood and pet waste.

Whether you're leasing or buying, a GlassCoat application provides added coverage that you don't get from the manufacturer - making your vehicle worth more money at trade-in time.

Ask us about our Simoniz GlassCoat